This first blog post is very important to me. Having passed the age of 54, the time has come to make another change in my life. So… welcome to this new adventure! At the end of the day, we live in a changing environment where the only solution is to adapt.
A new phase, a new challenge, free from the pressure of bosses, from goals to be achieved, from strategies I wasn’t invited to build, free from internal company policies and free from the obsolete and old-fashioned management models of mediocre companies.
After these last few years, I’ve realised that every day is an extra day of life, and I don’t want to let time slip away without fulfilling myself personally and professionally. I want to feel the buzz of helping to solve problems and invent amazing things together with entrepreneurs, CEOs, directors and all the people who are part of the decision-making process of a company.
This is my new space – the place where I want to be, my refuge, my kitchen and my lab, where I can share all my experience and knowledge after helping more than 300 CEOs and organisations to understand and simplify their businesses.
This is the story of an adventurer-turned-Cyber-CEO, who pours all his passion into managing the company he has created. The story of an old rocker who wants to use his knowledge and who won’t stop sharing, learning and walking companies through their growth.
You might wonder what the unique value is that sets me apart. Aside from my experience, my value lies in how I detect and solve organisational problems through my DISRUPT method.
I haven’t come to the virtual world to make a show of my achievements or success stories, but to connect with people who, like me, are passionate about the world of business.
I want to continue learning with the humility of a beginner, of a student who reads, who observes, who sits at the front of the class and who shares everything he does to continue learning.
I want to speak in my own voice, and I want to make as much noise as possible. I’m not out to gain lots of followers, I’m not at all interested in that. My goal/objective/mission is to create a community of Cyber-CEOs – a place where we can share stories about the world of business, interesting facts, tricks, difficulties, tools and progress in this adventure as Cyber-CEO.
I’m not afraid of criticism, and I’m prepared for the hard knocks that may come. That’s why I’m happy to receive honest feedback – in the end it’s the way to keep improving.
In this new adventure, I’ve invested in my project because I believe in my work and in Business Advisory delivered using my own method.
Before ending this first article, I’d like to acknowledge the work of all the people who have made me the person I am today. Firstly, my father, who taught me the true values of business, as well as all my former bosses in the companies I’ve worked for – some of them great leaders, and others role models of what not to do.
My thanks to all of them for bringing something out of me.